Conference Talks:
- Tracking Email Reputation for Authenticated Sender Identities, Fifth
Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, CEAS 2008.
- Concord: A Secure Mobile Data Authorization Framework for Regulatory Compliance, USENIX 22nd Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA-2008).
- RepuScore: Collaborative Reputation Management Framework for Email Infrastructure, USENIX 21th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA-2007).
- Experiences using Virtualization to Teach System Administration, System Administration Education Workshop, USENIX LISA 07. Fall 2007.
- Trends and Challenges in Domain based Email Authentications, Birds-of-Feather Session, USENIX LISA 06. FALL 2006.
- A Testbed for Quantitative Assessment of Intrusion Detection Systems using Fuzzy Logic, April 9th, 2004, Second IEEE International Workshop on Information Assurance (IWIA 2004).
Dissertation talks:
- Towards Sender Accountability on Email Infrastructure using Sender Identity and Reputation Management,
Doctoral Dissertation Defense, UNC Charlotte. Fall 2008.
- Towards Sender Accountability on Email Infrastructure using Sender Identity and Reputation Management,
Doctoral Proposal Defense, UNC Charlotte. Fall 2007.
- Testbed for evaluation of Intrusion Detection Systems : virtual
environment and environment profiles, Masters thesis Defense, UNC Charlotte.
Spring 2003.
Guest Lectures:
- Distributed Computing: Hadoop and NoSQL. Gautam Singaraju, 12th KOrean Computer Scientists and Engineers Association in America (KOCSEA).
- Distributed Computing: Hadoop and NoSQL, Guest Lecture, SLS/CS Fall 2011, USF 2011. Fall 2011.
- Sender Identity and Reputation Management, Guest Lecture, ITIS 3100: Introduction to IT. UNC Charlotte. Fall 2008.
- RepuScore: an Email Reputation Management Framework, Graduate Seminar, UNC Charlotte. Fall 2008.
- Towards Sender Accountability using Sender Identity and Reputation Management, Graduate Seminar, UNC Charlotte. Fall 2007.
- P-Messaging, An Authorization framework, Guest Lecture, ITIS 3100: Introduction to IT.
UNC Charlotte. Fall 2006.
- Agile-Oriented Programming, Guest Lecture, ITCS & ITIS 6112/8112: Software System Design and Implementation.
UNC Charlotte. Fall 2005.
- Research on Infrastructure Systems Research, Aug 2005, Graduate Seminar series at UNCC.
- A Testbed for Quantitative Assessment of Intrusion Detection Systems using Fuzzy Logic, Graduate Seminar, Fall 2004.
- 'The New Methodology by Martin Fowler', Guest Lecture, ITCS & ITIS 6112/8112: Software System Design and Implementation. Fall 2004.
- Object Oriented Programming, Guest Lecture, ITCS & ITIS 6112/8112: Software System Design and Implementation. 2004.
- Intrusion Detection Systems, Guest Lecture, ITIS 6167/8167: Network Information Security. 2004.